How a Mediation Attorney in Hollywood, FL, Can Help You

by | May 2, 2018 | Bail Bonds

Are you experiencing a divorce or maybe a contract dispute with a relative? Are you facing a potential foreclosure? With any of these types of conflicts, a mediation attorney in Hollywood, FL, can help. Attorneys with mediation experience, in addition to their law experience, can be great people to mediate a delicate situation. The main goals of a mediator are to be an unbiased third party in negotiations, as well as ultimately help provide solutions to each side of the disagreement and provide a fair resolution.

Acts as a Third Party

To be an effective mediator, one needs to act as an unbiased third party looking out for the interests of everyone involved. You want an attorney who has the experience and believes in the process of mediation. Having patience, great negotiating skills and empathy are all great assets of a good mediation attorney in Hollywood, FL. Many times, either together or privately, opposing parties need this unbiased third party to help them in settling complex issues. Each party involved needs to feel the mediator is there to help them, be their voice and also there to provide solutions.

Provides Solutions

Sometimes a mediator can think of creative solutions to problems the two opposing parties had never thought of before. The end goal of a meditation attorney in Hollywood, FL, is for each party to get something out of the disagreement through compromise. Any agreement that may be reached should also be put in writing. Being creative and having the ability of not looking strictly on the surface of issues are keys to a successful mediator.

If you are looking for a mediation attorney in Hollywood, FL, please visit the Fischer & Feldman website to learn more.

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