What to Know about Personal Injury Compensation in Madison, Wisconsin

by | Jul 12, 2018 | Law

Most people know that when they are injured through no fault of their own that a personal injury lawsuit is probably a good thing to do. Personal injury lawsuits can turn out to be financially advantageous to those who are hurt, especially if it can be proven that the other party was malicious in causing the injury. An attorney who wants clients to understand how Personal Injury Compensation in Madison, Wisconsin works helps those clients to get awarded as much as possible. Here are some things to understand about financial compensation in personal injury cases in Wisconsin.

Understanding Personal Injury Law and Compensation in Wisconsin

To get financial compensation from a personal injury lawsuit in Wisconsin, the injured claimant must file the lawsuit within three years of the date of the accident and injury. If the personal injury lawsuit is not filed in that time frame. The lawsuit is probably not going to be heard, and the chance to be awarded damages will be gone. If the injury occurs because of a government entity, the injured claimant must first file a formal claim with the agency within 120 days of the accident.

More about Personal Injury Compensation in Wisconsin

When looking at the amounts of compensation for personal injury cases in Wisconsin, any punitive damages that might be awarded are limited to $200,000, or either two times the amount of the compensatory awards, whichever happens, to be greater. For medical malpractice cases, the non-economic damages were capped at $750,000, but an appeals court ruled that to be unconstitutional. Parties who are looking to claim rights to compensation need to hire a good attorney.

A Personal Injury Attorney in Madison, Wisconsin

Many attorneys have the credentials and experience to successfully litigate personal injury cases throughout the State of Wisconsin if the parties take the time to do the research. Gregory Wright Law Offices is a law firm that takes personal injury cases for clients in the Madison, Wisconsin area. If any persons are looking for an attorney to help with Personal Injury Compensation in Madison, Wisconsin, the law firm is available. More information can be found at the website, Gregwrightlaw.com.

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