Inc. says about 96 percent of businesses will crash and burn within the first ten years. That’s a colossal amount of loss and failure. Whether it’s due to poor decisions, lack of market insight or a bad product, business can go belly up for a number of reasons. And if...
Bankruptcy Lawyer
Should You Consider Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Those dealing with large amounts of debt often feel as if there is no hope for finding financial freedom. When a person is constantly being harassed by creditors through letters and phone calls, they can become overly stressed. Unfortunately, creditors have the right...
Protecting Your Estate Through Probate Law In Wichita
Kansas estate owners create plans to prevent issues for their loved ones. These plans help the estate owner to use strategies to reduce the total value of their estate. Attorneys practicing in this field introduce these owners to opportunities to reduce tax...
Restoring Financial Freedom with Bankruptcy Help
Many Americans have found themselves deep in debt and not knowing how they can allay the burden. Time is not on a debtor's side when catching up on payments is beyond reach. Interest rates are the number one facet of debt that stops people from pulling themselves out...
How a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Hamilton, OH Might Help Someone Struggling to Pay Bills
Bankruptcy had a negative stigma for many years. However, since recent economic downturn, more and more people have been taking advantage of the bankruptcy code to help them get a handle on their debt. Some people are in serious financial trouble and need chapter 7...