Nursing home residents cannot often care for themselves. This leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. A lawsuit may be bubbling, but many families do not know what constitutes abuse and what kind of fair compensation can be received. Below is a breakdown of...
Adriane Adame
What you need to know about New Jersey disability application
If you live in the state of New Jersey and are considering submitting an application to receive Social Security Disability benefits, there are a few things you may want to keep in mind. While the majority of states have the same rules and regulations which pertain to...
Benefits of Hiring a Bankruptcy Lawyer
Inc. says about 96 percent of businesses will crash and burn within the first ten years. That’s a colossal amount of loss and failure. Whether it’s due to poor decisions, lack of market insight or a bad product, business can go belly up for a number of reasons. And if...
Separating? Consult Legal Separation Attorneys in Katy, TX
Texas, unlike some other states, does not recognize legal separation, but informal separations can be worked out with the assistance of legal separation attorneys in Katy, TX. Some couples feel that they need some time and space in order to discover if their marriage...
What are My Working Rights While Receiving Benefits?
Many people have bought into the myth that you can do nothing to earn extra income while receiving social security disability benefits. However, there is absolutely no truth to this statement. To educate you about your working rights while on disability, this article...