A Child Custody Attorney in Dayton, OH Helps Clients with Issues Arising out of Divorce

by | May 11, 2017 | Family Law

Going through a divorce is always tough, especially when the divorce is contested. Among things that will be challenged are the division of assets and the debts, division of real estate, spousal maintenance and, if children are involved, child custody and support. If the two parents cannot agree on these things, the courts will have to decide. Particularly where it concerns the children, the courts will decide based on what is deemed in the best interest of the child. A child custody attorney in Dayton, OH helps clients who are going through this difficult situation. The following are a few things clients should understand about child custody in Ohio.

Under the most desirable circumstances, the courts would want to appoint joint custody, also called shared parenting. In this case, both parents are considered the residential parent of the minor children and share in the decision making for the children. It should be realized that shared parenting does not necessarily equate to equal parenting time. Then there is the issue of child support. This will be determined by the incomes of the parents and the parenting times of the divorcing couple.

If the parent who ends up paying child support does not pay or stops paying, that doesn’t mean the other parent can refuse visitation. Each parent has the right to have visitation time with the children. It is also a good idea to review the Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) to find out how to increase chances of being awarded custody of the child or children. Anything the parent can do to help their case should be looked at. Most of all, the parent suing for custody should consult closely with their attorney.

Business Name have been providing clients in the Dayton, Ohio area with legal solutions for many years. In addition to helping clients with child custody issues, these lawyers also help with divorces, DUI law, criminal law, juvenile law and various personal injury cases. Anyone looking for a child custody attorney in Dayton, OH can visit website domain.

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