When You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer In Tauton MA

by | Dec 3, 2015 | Law

No matter how careful you may be in your life, accidents do happen. In some cases, no one may be at fault. At other times, someone is to blame for your injuries. If you have suffer from serious personal injuries, you may have a case against the person who is at fault. In order to prove it and get some form of recompense in North Chicago, however, you will need to consult those who are experienced in Illinois law – personal injury lawyers.

Illinois Law Concerning Personal Injury

If you suffer personal injury from an accident or other related incident, you may be able to take action. Personal injury lawyers are willing to take your case. Yet, you must understand that not all cases are successful under Illinois Law. In West Chicago, you must comprehend that the Illinois laws regarding personal injury require close attention be paid to certain details. Among the areas of concern you lawyer will address are:

  • The Statute of Limitations: In Illinois, the civil statute of limitations limits claims for two years for claims involving personal injuries. The clock usually starts ticking as soon as the incident occurs. The date, however, may be altered to the “date of discovery” – the day the injuries that manifest after the time of the accident.
  • Fault: If you live in North Chicago, particular attention is paid to the rules of fault. In Illinois, the law uses a modified comparative fault system. Essentially, this means that if it is decided that you are even a modicum at fault for the incident, your compensation will be decreased accordingly. If you are 50% or more at fault, the case will be barred from proceeding.
  • Strict Liability: In the case of personal injury, lawyers are aware that strict liability applies only in one situation – for actions relating to dog bites. The owner is responsible if you are bitten in going about your lawful actions. There is no second chance for the owner. He is responsible for the actions of his or her animal.
  • Damage Caps:  A cap is a limit on how much financial reimbursement you can claim in a persona injury state. Since 2010, Illinois has been without a cap for damages of any kind in personal injury cases.

Personal injury lawyers at the firm of Law Offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C. can help guide you through the process.

Personal Injury Lawyers

If you suffer from a personal injury in North Chicago, you may be able to take legal action against those who are at fault. Such a stance will not be easy. Unless you understand the law, including the very important modified comparative fault, you may lose your chance for compensation. To avoid this, get in touch with a law firm that specializes in this field. They have highly qualified, and exceptionally experienced, personal injury lawyers to guide you successfully through the process and, if necessary the courts.

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