When to Speak with a Premises Liability Lawyer in Fort White, FL

by | Nov 24, 2015 | Lawyers

When people are hurt at a local store or at any place other than their own home, they may need to contact a premises liability lawyer in Lake City, FL. Premises liability refers to the property owner’s legal responsibility to pay for damages that people incur while they are on property. All businesses should have an insurance policy that covers this kind of liability, and in fact most businesses have an extensive premises liability policy, meaning that if a person is hurt they can reasonably expect to get all of their injury costs compensated in full.

The best thing to do in the event of injury on another person’s premises is to get medical help as soon as possible. Make sure that the owner of the property is aware of the injury before going to get treatment for the injury, if at all possible, and don’t be shy about taking an ambulance ride to the hospital. Even if a person feels that their injury may not be severe, this is something that only a trained medical professional like a physician can actually determine. Some injuries may not seem severe immediately, but they quickly become much worse.

As medical treatment continues, keep track of the costs as meticulously as possible. Be sure to keep any copies of accident reports as well, because this information will be very helpful to the premises liability attorney. The attorney will continue to keep track of all damages and will use this information to determine an amount of compensation to request. This compensation will be requested in a letter known as the demand letter, which will be mailed to the owner of the premises where the injury occurred, and a copy will then be given to the insurance company that represents that property owner. After that, the insurance company will typically begin a negotiation phase with the attorney.

If you feel that you may need a premises liability lawyer in Lake City, FL, consider contacting the attorneys at Northfloridaautoaccidentlawyer.com. They focus on accident cases like premises liability and can help you get the settlement that you are entitled to.

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