What services does an immigration attorney offer?

by | Jan 7, 2015 | Lawyers

Whether you are still in your own country or you have a Visa and are in the United States, you may be contemplating the next step. You may want to make your permanent home in the US so that you can enjoy all of the benefits that come along with it. However the first step is hiring an immigration attorney to explore your options. Your immigration attorney will provide a wide range of different services to help you on your journey and provide the legal assistance you may need.

Naturalization Assistance

Even if you are new to the country, you can still apply to become a US citizen. However the process is made much easier when hiring an immigration attorney to help you. Your lawyer will do everything possible to aid you on your journey to becoming a citizen. There are many benefits to citizenship including the right to vote, the right to become a politician, and the right to take certain jobs. You also have peace of mind against the potential of being deported. Travel back and forth from the country is much easier and you never have to worry about renewing your permanent resident card when you are a citizen.

Permanent Residency Help

If you are not yet ready to become a naturalized citizen, you may first want to consider the benefits of becoming a permanent resident. By applying for a Green Card, you will have legal protection in the United States and access to many of the same rights that citizens have. You can drive, hold a job, and live anywhere you choose to. By hiring an immigration lawyer to help with your permanent residency application, you will have a better chance of getting the results you are hoping for.

An immigration lawyer can help you in many different ways as you explore a new future in this country. They will offer the legal guidance and expert representation that can help you attain your goals. If you have family members in the US, you can ask them for recommendations when it comes to choosing an attorney. Alternately, you can find an attorney on your own and find out how to get the assistance you need.

Get the legal assistance you need with the help of a qualified immigration attorney from Bell Law Office, LLC. Visit them online to schedule an appointment at website.

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