Things You Should Know When It Comes to Paying Alimony in Sheboygan, WI

by | Feb 18, 2020 | Divorce Lawyers

Deciding to get a divorce can be an incredibly difficult decision, but the challenges don’t stop there. Should one of the spouses make less money than the other, then alimony might come into play. Navigating through these tricky waters can become a lot easier when working with divorce lawyers in Sheboygan, WI.

Types of Alimony

In general, there are two types of alimony: temporary and permanent. Temporary alimony is often granted to the spouse who makes less money to help them with financial expenses during the divorce. Permanent alimony is in place to provide regular funds to the spouse after the divorce has been finalized.

Paying Alimony

When it comes to permanent alimony, how long you will have to pay depends on several factors, including how long you have been married. In some cases, if you and your spouse were married for less than 10 years, then you may only be required to pay alimony for half the time you were married. For example, if you were married for 6 years, you may only be required to pay alimony for 3 years.

If you had been married for more than 10 years, other factors that are considered include the income of both spouses after the divorce, the marital standard of living and the ages and health of both spouses.

In some cases, the payments might end if the receiving spouse gets remarried or one of the spouses passes away. There might also be changes in payments if someone loses a job or other circumstances arise. Working with divorce lawyers in Sheboygan, WI is the best option when it comes to figuring out alimony payments.

If you are currently looking for divorce lawyers to help with alimony or other issues, contact Roth & Basler, S.C.

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