If you have a one-person sole proprietorship or a Fortune 500 company, you will inevitably get into some kind of legal dispute. For both small and large companies, the disputes actually tend to be the same. One of the most common disputes that is faced by freelancers and large businesses alike is one of unpaid invoices. This is especially true for freelancers and those who deliver services before they are paid. If you are a plumber, for example, you expect to be paid after the work is done, however, once the work is done, there is little motivation on the part of a disreputable client to pay the invoice.
Large companies can send those debts into collections and take the loss easily, however, smaller companies might need a business litigation attorney to help them resolve the dispute.
Resolving the Dispute
Resolving a dispute is simple with a business litigation attorney in Santa Barbara, CA. The attorney will act as your advocate; he or she will advocate on your behalf and press your interests in the best legal way. That could mean contracting the invoice to a collection agent or setting up some kind of repayment plan. The different tacts taken by the business litigation lawyers in Santa Barbara, CA will depend on what is most feasible for your case.
Alternative Resolutions
An alternative resolution is one of the best reasons to hire a business litigation attorney. When you sell the debt to a collection agency, you should only expect to get about 70-80% of what you are owed. The collection agency takes the rest as the fee for their service. Other alternative resolutions can result in your keeping much more of the money you are owed. In some cases, you are able to recoup all of your losses. The key is hiring a great attorney to act as your advocate.