Los procesos legales forman parte del día a día. Acciones como la compra o venta de un inmueble, cobro de fideicomisos, o declaración de impuestos, son transacciones que requieren de los servicios de un notario público para que se realicen de manera legal. Estos...
Adriane Adame
How Does a Wrongful Death Attorney Pursue a Case?
Filing a wrongful death claim is not always easy for the victim's family. It can be especially difficult to pursue a claim when loved ones are going through the grieving process and need answers to the many questions they have. Before deciding on filing a lawsuit, it...
Child Custody Q&A: Child Custody Attorney in Linwood, NJ
Child custody cases usually occur during or after divorce, or when a couple have children together but have separated for any reason. Child custody can be complicated and stressful for many parents, especially if they regularly are not on good terms with their...
Getting Caught Speeding can be Extremely Serious
People often get caught speeding. It could be that you are late for work, a job interview, maybe you travel for work, or you could be on vacation and you feel safe driving a little faster away from home. Whatever the reason, it happens and once it does, your best bet...
Working with a Workplace Accident Lawyer
Getting injured at work is an unfortunate reality for far too many people. It is especially common in blue-collar jobs, but it can happen to just about any employee. If it is your fault, there is not much you can do. You have to negotiate with your boss for some kind...