A Truck Accident Often Is Catastrophic

by | Apr 28, 2016 | Lawyers and Law Firms

An accident involving two private vehicles can result in serious injury, an accident involving a private vehicle and a commercial vehicle often is more catastrophic. A fully loaded truck can easily weight 20 or 25 times more than a typical private car, as a result of this gross weight differential and some simple laws of physics most accidents involving a heavily laden truck end up far worse than an accident involving a couple of cars.

If you have been involved in an accident involving a large commercial vehicle you can sue for compensation, to do this successfully you will need to be represented by a seasoned truck accident attorney in New Orleans.

The trucking industry is governed by law:

The trucking industry is governed by federal laws. These laws set specific standards that must be adhered to by truck drivers, truck owners and trucking companies, in the majority of cases it is these unique laws that help to determine the responsible party or parties.

Who is responsible?

In the event of an accident involving two private automobiles there are only two parties involved in any settlement. This is not the case when the accident involves a truck, there are a number of parties that can be held responsible for the consequences; they include:

  • The driver of the truck

  • The truck owner

  • The party that leased the truck from the owner

  • The vehicle manufacturer

  • The shipper

As you can see, even though you are entitled to compensation for your injuries and loss, with the number of players involved this can be a long and difficult process. Most people are unaware of what their rights are and have little idea what the claim is worth. It is for these reasons that hiring an experienced truck accident attorney in New Orleans is worth the cost. Visit us at website url to know more.

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