Draw Up a Living Will to Protect Your Future

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Attorney

No one can accurately predict the future. While you may be perfectly healthy today, as you grow older chances are you could become ill. Even if you are young, you could be involved in a serious accident that leaves you in a coma. Those thoughts are not exactly comfortable to even think about. However, it is very important that you consider what could happen if you do not have a living will in Texas area. Perhaps you do not wish to ever be put on artificial life support or endure an advanced medical procedure. Without a living will in place your family and doctors will do everything possible to sustain your life. It is important that you are able to communicate your wishes concerning circumstances including permanent unconsciousness or a terminal illness.

Choose How You Want to Live

Essentially a living will give you the choice concerning how you choose to live. Many people choose a living well so that they can have a more natural death. There are many medical procedures that can sustain your body for many years without you even being conscious. You would not even be aware that you are being kept alive. There is no quality of life in that situation. A valid living will clearly communicate your wishes to healthcare professionals that must carry out your instructions as stated in your living will.

Living Wills Are for More Than Just the Elderly or Sick

There are many advantages to having a living will in place. Gives you the opportunity to refuse healthcare treatments that you do not want. This can include the exclusion of artificial resuscitation and feeding tubes. You can specify which treatments you prefer in your living will. This gives you the ability to adhere to your moral beliefs while also giving your loved one’s information concerning your wishes. Overall this gives you the opportunity to know an outcome before it can happen.

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