Understanding the Legalities of Wrongful Death

by | Nov 29, 2018 | Attorney

What is wrongful death? While those who are left behind in the wake of a friend or family member’s death may inevitably feel as if any loss of life is wrongful, there are specific and stringent requirements for a death to be classified as wrongful at a legal level. Here’s what you need to know about dealing with wrongful death, as suggested by wrongful death attorneys:

Striking Similarity

Wrongful death is typically defined as a death that was caused by the negligence or wrongful actions of another person. If you’ve done any research on the topic yourself, you may have noticed a similarity between that definition and the one commonly used for personal injury. A wrongful death is essentially a personal injury that has escalated to the point of death. Wrongful death lawsuit is typically carried out by the survivors of the victim and their legal representatives.

A Civil Option

Something else worth noting about wrongful death suits is that they are occasionally used in a similar situation as murder charges might be. Wrongful death suits are civil charges, meaning they take place in a different court system and involve different laws than murder chargers would. However, a person who has been found not guilty of a murder charge can sometimes be found guilty of a wrongful death charge, as has famously happened in some high-profile cases. This offers victims and survivors at least some degree of closure for their suffering.

If you believe your loved one has been the victim of wrongful death, contact your nearest Oklahoma City, OK wrongful death attorneys. These legal experts can guide you through the process of determining fault, assessing damages, and filing your claim – as well as represent your family or the victim’s estate through every step of the process.

Just because you’ve been a victim doesn’t mean you have to continue to be. Contact your local lawyer and move forward with your life after a wrongful death.

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