Hire an Automobile Injury Attorney in St. Joseph, MO Today

by | Aug 30, 2016 | Accident Lawyers

If you have recently been hurt in a car accident, you are probably feeling very overwhelmed with everything that is happening. It can be difficult to know who to talk to because you don’t know whether people are being honest. Never agree to anything regarding the insurance company and a settlement offer unless you are working with an Automobile Injury Attorney in St. Joseph, MO.

There are so many things that could go wrong with this type of situation. You may feel that you didn’t suffer many injuries and everything is going to be okay. If this is the case, it is important to get in touch with an attorney who can verify if there is anything to be concerned about. The attorney is going to need to know more about the injuries that you are dealing with. It is always a good idea to bring in a copy of your medical records regarding this accident. This way, you will have something in writing that will verify your injuries.

It also needs to be determined by a body shop whether or not your car can be repaired. If it can’t, the insurance company is going to have to come up with a plan to get you another car. When this is the case, it is very important to have someone to help with the legal aspect of this situation. Don’t hesitate to contact Stephen W. Holaday, PC as soon as possible. This is an automobile injury attorney in St. Joseph, MO who is going to listen to your case and verify right away whether or not he can help you to collect. If so, he will get started with the process of getting things in order. There is a reasonable amount of money that is rightfully yours and it is up to you to come up with a plan to collect. An attorney will be there by your side until this situation has been resolved. Make the call today.

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