A Wrongful Death Lawyer in Winnebago County IL Takes a Look at the Five Compensations in Nursing Home Death

by | Aug 26, 2016 | Lawyer

Nursing home residents cannot often care for themselves. This leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. A lawsuit may be bubbling, but many families do not know what constitutes abuse and what kind of fair compensation can be received. Below is a breakdown of what a wrongful death suit consists of in nursing home abuse.

  • Loss of Companionship: The loss of companionship cannot be measured. It is often more devastating than any taxes, funeral expenses, and medical expenses. It is the one thing that can never be recovered in the same way and is a major turning point with a wrongful death lawyer in Winnebago County IL.
  • Measured Expenses: Expenses that are easily measured, with receipts and other documents, will be accounted for. These are expenses immediately related to the weeks following the passing of a loved one in a nursing home. Funeral expenses are usually the most expensive and prominent.
  • Medical Expenses: Medical expenses related to any kind of abuse will be accounted for in a lawsuit. These expenses are often sent to the families. This is why all reports related to expenses should be saved in a special place.
  • Real Estate Expenses: The client who passed away may have been carrying property. Nursing home residents often do this because they have the finances accessible to them and they want to keep the home in the family. In the event of their passing, these expenses can be turned to a family. This includes management of the property, taxes, etc.
  • Wills: It may even be possible that expenses related to will organization can be accumulated in a lawsuit. It is an expense that would have happened in the event of a passing, but it did not have to happen so soon.

Visit our website for more if a loved one suspects a wrongful death situation in a nursing home. It is valuable to remember that a wrongful death suit is only followed if the offices believe there is a legitimate wrongful death. Nursing home residents do wonderful work- and a lot of it. A few stray scenarios should not strain an industry that has worked very hard to care for people who are often forgotten.

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