You Live in East Tennessee and Need a Social Security Disability Lawyer

by | Feb 5, 2024 | Lawyers

You have become disabled and can no longer work at your job. You are concerned that you will not have enough income to live on, even with your savings. It has been suggested to you that you apply for Social Security disability payments. You have also been told that the application process is onerous and many people who should qualify, often do not.

You realize that you will need a Social Security disability lawyer in Tennessee. In East Tennessee, where you live, you know that there are many choices of a Social Security disability lawyer in Tennessee and now in addition to applying to the Social Security Administration, you have to decide which law firm to hire.

You decide to do some research online and you see that most of the law firms offer a free consultation. With the limited funds that are available to you, you decide that is a requirement for the law firm you will choose.

You want a law firm that specializes in handling social security disability law cases. They will have the most and the deepest experience and will be of the most help to you. You understand that many claims are denied when first submitted and with the right attorney, you hope to avoid that and get accepted with your first application.

If you happen to get turned down on the first effort, your attorney will help you file a request for reconsideration.

Contact Drozdowski & Rabin, PLLC, if you are looking for a social security lawyer in Tennessee. Visit for more information!

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