Find Out If You Need A Personal Injury Attorney In Oro Valley

by | Nov 29, 2016 | Personal Injury Attorney

If you’ve been seriously injured in an accident that was not your fault, you need to contact a personal injury attorney in Oro Valley. Evidence from an accident can be lost or altered in a short amount of time. Once the evidence is lost, proving a case can become difficult. Serious injuries can involve the loss of a limb, a broken bone, paralysis, head injuries, nerve damage, and many other very serious conditions. Injuries that result in the death of someone can be handled in the same fashion as a personal injury claim but will be termed a wrongful death lawsuit.

Victims are entitled to loss of wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, personal property loss, and other things. Failure to prove a case or the extent of the injuries that were involved will limit the amount of money a victim can receive. Attempting to negotiate a settlement with an insurance company without legal assistance will leave a victim with less than they’re legally entitled to. An insurance company already knows where a victim works and their background when they place a telephone call to them to get the details of the accident. They will ask questions about the person’s condition and what medical treatment they have required.

After an accident, a victim is usually emotionally distraught and not thinking clearly. They could be in the hospital, on pain killers, or taking muscle relaxers. This type of medication can affect someone’s judgment and they could say things that aren’t accurate. This is another reason why they should contact a personal injury attorney in Oro Valley as soon as possible after an accident has occurred. The attorney will immediately begin protecting their rights as a victim so they’re not taken advantage of by the insurance company. No one should ever agree to a settlement until all of their medical treatment is completed.

Price and Price Law Office represents victims on a contingency basis for personal injury claims. This means a victim does not pay any money to the attorney unless they receive a settlement from the insurance company. It is usually a percentage of the total settlement and is discussed during a consultation.

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