Getting an Understanding of Workers Comp Law in Bethlehem, PA

by | Apr 15, 2020 | Lawyer

Whenever a person is working for an employer at most companies, there are certain benefits that must be in place to protect both the employee and the employer. For example, if that person gets hurt on the job, workers’ compensation is supposed to kick in. An attorney will help clients understand Workers Comp Law in Bethlehem, PA when their rights to the workers’ compensation have been violated. Here are some things that clients may find helpful about workers’ compensation law.

Things to Understand about Workers’ Compensation Law

When a person is injured at work, whether on-site or somewhere else but still on the company clock, the company has an obligation to provide the employee with workers’ compensation while he or she is out of work. However, the employee has the responsibility to report the injury with all the necessary information in a timely manner and to the appropriate people. A doctor will have to be seen, and it may be possible that the employer may require the use of a specific doctor to evaluate and treat the injury.

More Facts about Workers’ Compensation Law

After the employee has answered all the questions, such as how the injury occurred and where it occurred, he or she should expect to start seeing payments after the doctor gives the okay. Sometimes, the insurance company takes a long time to get the payments started or, sometimes, the company even denies the payments. At this time, the employee should consult an attorney who is experienced in workers’ compensation law. The attorney can negotiate on behalf of the injured client and help the employee get what is rightfully his or hers.

Who to Call in Idaho

Bruno Law Firm have been providing workers’ compensation solutions for clients in the Jerome, Idaho, area for more than three decades. In addition to workers’ compensation, the lawyers also represent clients for personal injury cases, such as auto accidents. If there are any injured employees in need of an attorney who understands Workers Comp Law in Bethlehem, PA, the law offices are available. They invite interested parties to “Visit us at Domain

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