Filing A Claim Through Social Security Disability Attorney In Chicago

by | May 25, 2020 | Attorney

In Chicago, claimants who file for Social Security Disability must meet the eligibility requirements based on their condition. All applications are sent to the Department of Rehabilitation Services to determine if the applicants meet the basic requirements. After these prerequisites are met, the application is submitted to the Disability Determination Division.

Filing a Claim

Your initial application must contain conclusive information about your disability. You should include medical records that show your exact diagnosis and the treatment you have received from your doctor for this condition. It should provide a starting date for this disability. If the disability was the result of a personal injury, you should include information about any civil cases you have filed, which are connected to your disability. If you need help with acquiring these records, contact a Social Security Disability attorney in Chicago.

Why You are Unable to Work

When establishing if you are disabled, the Disability Determination Division must determine that you are unable to work in any industry. You cannot acquire SSI or disability benefits if you are able to become gainfully employed in a different industry. To qualify for these benefits, your physical or mental condition must prevent you from acquiring work in which you could support yourself or your family financially.


Supplementary security income is a benefit provided to disabled individuals within low-income families. Social security disability insurance is insurance benefits paid to disabled individuals who have worked and paid into social security throughout the years. The requirements for these programs vary based.

If Your Claim is Denied

You have the right to file an appeal through the court if your claim is denied. According to statistics, at least twenty-eight percent of disability applications are denied initially. The waiting period for the hearing is typically one year.

Citizens of Chicago who have become disabled due to a physical or mental condition can acquire benefits through the Social Security Administration. These benefits provide them with monthly payments to help them support themselves financially. If you were turned down for these benefits, you should contact The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd.

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